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Group of Black Men and Black Woman with Serious Facial Expressio

We believe that real change is ​possible when communities ​and leaders come together to ​drive systemic transformation ​that prioritizes the needs and ​voices of all citizens.

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At Democracy in Action Now, we recognize that real change requires a combination of ​grassroots energy and grasstops influence. By bridging the gap between these approaches, we ​create a powerful movement that can drive systemic change.

Group of Young People
Group of Businesspeople Attending a Meeting
Group of men in support group

Empowering Individuals

Through grassroots efforts, ​we empower citizens with the ​knowledge and tools they ​need to support candidates ​who prioritize people over ​politics.

Influencing Leaders

Building Coalitions

Through grasstops initiatives, ​we engage influential leaders ​and organizations to ​advocate for equitable public ​policies and ensure that all ​voices are heard.

By uniting grassroots ​advocates and grasstops ​influencers, we create strong ​coalitions that push for ​systemic change at local, ​state, and national levels.

Multi-racial group of men,   shaking hands
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Grassroots Approach: Power to the People

Community Outreach Our grassroots efforts start with engaging local residents ​directly through door-to-door canvassing, community events, and town hall ​meetings. We believe that change begins at the community level, where real ​conversations about the issues that matter most to everyday citizens can happen.

Volunteer Mobilization We recruit and train dedicated volunteers who are ​passionate about advocating for a democracy that works for everyone. These ​volunteers become the backbone of our movement, spreading our message and ​rallying support within their communities.

Public Education We provide accessible information and resources to demystify ​political processes, policies, and candidates. Our goal is to empower individuals with ​the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and actively participate in the ​democratic process.

Local Advocacy Empowering citizens to take direct action is crucial. We support ​community members in contacting their elected representatives, participating in ​protests and rallies, and exercising their right to vote. Every voice counts, and every ​action makes a difference.

Building Networks We create strong networks of local advocates who support each ​other and work together towards common goals. These networks amplify our ​collective voice and drive grassroots change from the ground up.

Grasstops Approach: Influencing Change from the Top

Engaging Influencers Our grasstops strategy involves collaborating with ​respected community leaders, business owners, religious figures, and other ​influential individuals who can lend credibility and amplify our message. Their ​support helps sway public opinion and influence policymakers.

Strategic Partnerships We form alliances with established organizations, ​advocacy groups, and institutions that share our goals. By leveraging their ​resources and networks, we strengthen our impact and reach.

Policy Advocacy Working directly with policymakers, legislators, and ​government officials, we advocate for policies that prioritize people over ​politics. Our focus is on creating equitable public policy solutions that address ​the needs of all communities.

Expert Consultation We consult with subject matter experts, academics, and ​researchers to develop informed and effective policy proposals and advocacy ​strategies. Their expertise helps ensure our initiatives are grounded in solid ​research and best practices.

Public Relations Utilizing media channels and public relations campaigns, we ​raise awareness and garner support from the broader public and influential ​stakeholders. Our goal is to highlight the importance of voting and advocate for ​policies that reflect the diverse needs of our communities.

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Man Wearing Suit Speaking on a Microphone